La Capitale des Alpes

Grenoble business school

The business school is situated near the Saint Martin d'Hères university campus, close to facilities that have been set up for students. Grenoble, the favourite city for French students, is in 1st place in the rankings for French cities to study in, according to the rankings in the L’Etudiant magazine (source: L'Etudiant, 2016).

At the centre of the Grenoble innovation hub, an area with strong economic potential, the school's aim is to be close to companies and train professionals firmly rooted in the world of work. Students can make the most of the dynamism of a high-employment area that is ideally placed to welcome them.


The students who come to our school of management will take courses with high added value, and support adapted to their own personal and professional development. They come here eager to follow a course that is deliberately focused on sales, international business and the world of companies.